mercredi 15 août 2012


Via ElleDecor & FrenchDesignBy
When a french designer visualised her house in marrakech, first of all it was white. And then her favourite color came shyly equip each room. There is something vintage and 70's but i can't figure it out. Is it because orange make me think about old years or because i've never see it by little touch on a enlighten house. The idea is good, the ambiance is sweet and relaxing. 
So Frenchkech.

mardi 7 août 2012


Pictures by me
Few years ago (but still also today), moroccan people used to sleep & eat on the ground. The majority of them. Coffee tables which where dinner's tables for all the family, still exists. What i love the most is to be surrounded by all people I love, one close to the other with only one dish in the middle, sharing it. It is there too that comes human heat. Proximity and promiscuity that its decoration allows.